A Short History on the 40th Anniversary - 2003
by Ken Cates, Bitwise Gifts
Thinking about what would inspire employees to smile, Harvey decided the most simple and direct symbol would be a smile itself and that is what he drew. A simple smile, and two eyes, not too perfect, but appealing in its simplicity. He made the background yellow, like a bright cheery sun. Harvey was paid a $45 fee for his timeless creation.
State Mutual originally ordered 100 button pins with the logo for its employees, but the symbol became so popular with workers, customers, and agents, that they were soon ordering them by the thousands. The smiley face has now become a cultural icon. Later in life, Harvey said, "Never in the history of mankind or art has any single piece of art gotten such widespread favor, pleasure, enjoyment, and nothing has ever been so simply done and so easily understood in art."
To put the smiley face symbol back on track, Harvey created the World Smile Corporation (WSC) in 1999. He explained, "Smiley has become so commercialized that it’s original message of spreading good will and good cheer has all but disappeared. I needed to do something to rescue and restore that message." To inspire individual involvement, Harvey created the World Smile Day celebration each year in October. The slogan for World Smile Day is "Do an act of kindness – help one person smile!" Individuals, businesses, and organizations are encouraged to participate. The first World Smile Day was celebrated October 1, 1999 in Worcester, MA, and has been celebrated annually since then, becoming a worldwide event today.
Sadly, Harvey Ball passed away in 2001 at age 79. When he created the World Smile Corporation, he specified that all after-tax profits would be given to charities that focus on the needs of children. After his death, the Harvey Ball World Smile Foundation was established for that purpose while honoring Harvey’s name and memory. Harvey had a special place in his heart for children. Harvey said, "If our children learn early the power of a smile and a kind act the whole world will be a better place."
Sources: www.worldsmileday.com www.worldsmile.com www.worldsmile.org Photographs used with permission of World Smile Corporation | Harvey Ball surrounded by schoolchildren during the World Smile Day 2000 celebration. The event has been very popular in schools across the country. |